USO Style Dance


Enjoy the light comedy of a typical USO Show after dinner. Then partake in a little 1940’s swing dancing. Original records from the era will be played for your dancing pleasure, and a few “dance lessons” will be given to get the party going. Listen to the Smith Sisters who will share with you by singing a few of their favorite songs.

During the war, food rations meant that it was sometimes hard to get things like eggs, meat and butter. That meant cooks had to get creative to serve up nutritious and tasty food for their guests. Enjoy an authentic Buffet Dinner with classic foods like brown bread, assorted sandwiches, spiced biscuits with jam, potato dumplings, sausage rolls, molded jello, molasses cookies, popcorn & more.

Don’t dance or want to bring the children & make it a family evening? Visit the side room with period appropriate board games from the era.

Limited Seats Available so get your tickets now!!

$25 per person. Click here to buy tickets or email to purchase.


We encourage time period appropriate attire. Dress the period in military, vintage or evening wear. However, dress clothes are acceptable.  

This event is a fundraiser for the GTCPS Community Center, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

USO Style Dance USO Style Dance Reviewed by Cari Dunn on 3:16 PM Rating: 5
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